New York fire trucks. Is been a while since I did my last high dynamic range (HDR ) image and for whatever the reason I chose this fire-engine trucks…..why? The blood red paint, the lights, the action , the mental driving on the Manhattan streets……I do not know……. I was just staring at the initial dull image for a good half an hour thinking how to make it”pop”. My mind start drifting, and suddenly I realized that in fact I do not know anything about the people in this fire-trucks. The sweet angel of procrastination strike me and I get in touch with out Googly friend, lots of tech info about the trucks, about the NY firefighter teams, and even some hero stories. But where are the stories of these people, the real people behind the fire-trucks, what they do in their day to day life, what they love, what they hate, what fun means for them, what life means for them. I am not a writer, so maybe somebody else wants to complete the story of this picture. I propose a fair trade, a good picture for a good story, who is up to the challenge?